Two events worth attending this weekend…
Firstly, there is a beer festival at the Five Bells, Claypole. It runs Friday – Sunday (17th – 19th September) and features 18 beers, all at £2/pint. All proceeds go to the Village Hall roof fund. Go and support them.
Sunday 19th Septemby be International Talk Like a Pirate day. To celebrate it, the Mad Tapsters at Just Beer be ‘avin’ a TLAP day featurin’ Pirate ‘n’ Nautical themed ales. Be goin’ in dressed like a Pirate and ye’ll be receivin’ yer first pint fer just £1. Yarr! More info on Pirate day be ‘ere.
The Festival at the Five Bells Inn Claypole incorporates a BBQ from 12 -5pm on Sunday and a Hog Roast thereafter – (sells out quickly it’s so good) also live bands
I’d also like to thank your webmasterfor posting this for us 🙂
The Festival at the Five Bells Inn Claypole incorporates a BBQ from 12 -5pm on Sunday and a Hog Roast thereafter – (sells out quickly it’s so good) also live bands
I’d also like to thank your webmasterfor posting this for us 🙂