The Real Ale Guide to Newark, Southwell and District, co-published by CAMRA and local publishers Capital Media has won the Local Guide of the Year Award for 2012 at this year’s CAMRA Annual General Meeting. The guide, which was launched at last year’s Newark Beer Festival, features every pub in the district with information on facilities available and ales offered, together with details of local breweries and a number of informative articles and maps.
Derek Graham, editor of the guide and branch Vice Chairman said “I would like to thank the many local CAMRA members who assisted me in contributing editorial and surveying every pub. It was truly a team effort. Branch members surveyed over 80 pubs, contributed articles and helped with the editing”.
The guide is available in Strays and W H Smith in Newark as well as many local pubs, or online from here.
The photo shows Derek being presented with the award by Bobby Dobbins, Membership Secretary.