New Branch magazine out now!
The October edition of the branch magazine, Beer Gutter Press Issue 61 is out now, available in a pub near you. Also available online here.
The October edition of the branch magazine, Beer Gutter Press Issue 61 is out now, available in a pub near you. Also available online here.
There will be a bus for those wanting to attend the next branch meeting at the Cross Keys, Upton this Thursday 1st October. The bus will leave at 7.30 from Castle Gate.
The presentation of the cheques to our two charities will take place at the next branch meeting on August 6th at The Final Whistle, Southwell. This is also during the IPA trail days. We hope you will able to support us.
CAMRA members are invited to the opening night July 30th. Beers will be ready by 1800 and light refreshments will be available. Please let them (01636 680498) know you are going so that he has numbers for catering.
August 6th is International IPA day and to celebrate in style, Newark CAMRA are holding their third IPA Trail, running from 31st July to 9th August. Over 20 pubs in the Newark branch area will be participating and will feature at least one India Pale Ale (of at leat 5.0%) throughout the period. Pick up a collectors card from any participating pub (printed inside the current issue of the branch newsletter – download here), visit the pubs and drink at […]
At the last Newark branch meeting (2/7/15) at the Rose and Crown, Farndon, it was agreed to change our Newark Pub of the Year method of assessment. Full details of the amended process can be read here:
The final beer list for the upcoming Newark Beer Festival has been released and can be downloaded here. Big thanks to Andy Sales for the enormous amount of work he puts in for the cause and also to Ray Kirby and the team for looking after the beers during the festival.
It has become apparent that some of you are having difficulty in downloading the Beer Festival Staffing form as linked to in the last emailshot. We suspect this is because it is being blocked as a .doc (Microsoft Word) document. We have changed the format to pdf. This should now allow all browsers to download the form. The download link is now Thank you for your patience.
It is clear that there has been some misunderstanding and misinformation regarding Pub of the Year 2015. It is hoped this statement eases concerns and allows us to move on. We used the national scoring scheme which is available for all to see at any branch meeting. All of the assessors scores were used. None were deleted or changed in any way. These scores are in whole numbers. No half marks are allowed. On adding together all the scores we […]
The 2015 Newark Beer Festival is almost here – requiring help from Wed 21st to Sun 25th May – and I am hoping to enlist the service of volunteers (new and old) to work the annual event. If you wish to participate then please complete the staffing form and return to me via email or in person. Once I have finalised the staffing rota I will be in touch. There will be a staffing meeting prior to the festival. If […]