2008/9 sees the 25th anniversary of the very successful twinning link between Newark and the German town of Emmendingen in the Black Forest. Emmendingen is the largest town within the Breisgau wine producing area which contains approximately 30 different wine producers.
Each August the fruits of the vine and the labours of the growers are celebrated during the Breisgau Weinfest held in the Market Place and streets of Emmendingen over four evenings. During a visit to the Weinfest in 2006 members of Newark Town Council and Newark Twinning Association had the idea to recreate the Weinfest in Newark in some way. It was decided to hold the First Newark Wine Festival as part of the 25th anniversary celebrations.
Newark CAMRA, Newark Town Council, and Newark Twinning Association have teamed up to bring you the First Newark LocAle & Weinfest in the beautiful setting of Newark Castle Grounds. CAMRA will be hosting a selection of LocAles which, as the name suggests, is ale produced locally – within 20 miles, in fact.
More details at: http://www.newarkwinefestival.co.uk/